Dinner tonight. . .
. . .consisted of smoked puffin breast as an appetizer- followed by two succulent rare minke whale steaks, with a lovely pepper sauce. After a bottle of Spanish Rojia, don't even ask what that cost.
What catches you off guard is the fact that whales are mammals. You expect fishy seafood and wind up with what amounts to super tender, slightly gamey, delicious, floating cow.

Long live the moral management of our oceans' resources.
What catches you off guard is the fact that whales are mammals. You expect fishy seafood and wind up with what amounts to super tender, slightly gamey, delicious, floating cow.

Long live the moral management of our oceans' resources.
What's really interesting is that, in the middle ages, people did not make such distinctions. So, on Fridays (when "meat" was forbidden and "fish" was okay) the more wealthy folks would dine on all kinds of maritime mammals. Evidently, you can make very pork-like bacon from walrus.
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