Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Ocker Quiz #3 Answer

Wow. Good effort, team. We'll have these Aussies licked at their own culture in no time.

The answer to:

You're walking through a Queensland supermarket, let's say Coles. You're looking for a sign that says "Manchester". What are you looking to buy?


Sheets and bedding and linens and stuff.

which means that Karl got the answer right! Mind you, he should, being from Queensland and all. Which is better than Mike, also from Queensland, who's been living outside of his native Oz for so long he's forgotten. For shame. Mike didn't even play, but he gets -3 points.

Karl, you would get 3 points for the correct answer, but Jason answered first, and I think he was alluding to the correct answer, too. So Jason gets 3 points. Karl, you get 2.9 points.

Matt got the answer correct, too. But he, like Jason, cheated and used wikipedia-- which is fine, but the difference is that Matt admitted to cheating. Bad Matt. Next time make up a story about a long lost Australian half-cousin. Matt gets 2.5 points.

What gnuheller doesn't know is that while the supermarket (Coles) here in Queensland doesn't sell machetes, the supermarket in the middle of Santiago, DR does indeed sell them and an accessory leather sheath. The sheath at $6 cost more than the machete. Very thorough answer, gnuheller. You get 2.5 points.

Lenny (uslennar), you took Jason's answer to heart-- I'm guessing it reminded you of that night we got really drunk in Chinatown and wound up sharing a bed together at your hotel. No wait, that was with Dan. How did you find out about that? You get 3 points if you agree not to tell anyone else.

Mom (prblmslvr), hmmm. Good guesses, but very wrong. I love you and all, but I can't show favoritism. Fortunately for you, being in Australia, I can show favouritism, so you get a point.

Dad (Dad)--- you worked in a Seinfeld reference. Excellent. 2 points.

G-Dawg (Guru)-- did you patent that? Put it through CPOL and make me a co-inventor. Here's 1 point-- you'll get 20 more when the check comes through.

Mark (espd) said cheese. No. But I like cheese. Thanks for reminding me. 1 point. Next time remind me of something more animate, with a nice backside, and earn more!

Whew. Who knew that all these extra responses was going to create so much snarky work for me. One more thing, the current standings:

gnuheller 3.6
Dad 3
Jason 3
Lenny 3
Karl 2.9
Matt 2.5
Mom 1
Rich 1
Mark 1
Guru 1
Velma 0.5
Mike -3

The next quiz will be up in a day or two. Get your optics polished, it's going to be a picture question.


Blogger G-in-SFBA said...

Dang! I was so sure it was a men's chest making machine :-(

5:20 PM  

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