Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The sunflower seed diet

Forget Adkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers. You don't need a fancy system or a club to join. You don't need a $40 book or a $40 membership fee. All you need is to reduce your calorie intake. All you need is to have something controling your urge to put shit in your mouth, chew and swallow. All you need is a supply of sunflower seeds and a place to spit them.

Sunflower seeds are low calorie.
Sunflower seeds are mostly healthy unsaturated fats, with a smidgen of protein and carbs. The fat also helps to reduce your appetite.
Sunflower seeds keep your mouth busy.
Sunflower seeds taste good.

Try it. Keep a bag in the car on your next long road trip. Or keep some in your office. Munch away-- cheek stuffed with seeds the whole time. You'll see that you're not really that hungry come the next meal time, and your body is happy for the slow trickle of nutrients. Look at the bag, and calculate how many calories you've consumed, it's not that much, and you're not as hungry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

or, and for most people more usefully, increase the calory expenditure rate. :)

1:26 PM  

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